• Aug 21, 2018
    Eman El-Fayomi, Head of Design
    At CDS, we build our product teams to consist of product managers, researchers, designers, developers, policy experts, and communication specialists. But, assembling a multidisciplinary team does not mean the hardest part is done. All of the …
  • Aug 17, 2018
    Annie Leblond, Communications
    When I started keeping a list of the technical terms we use at CDS it was to ensure some consistency in translations. The longer the list became, the more I noticed that the way people name digital things varies enormously, ranging from using English …
  • Aug 8, 2018
    Paul Craig, Developer
    Using modern technologies can make development faster, but ultimately we need to deliver working solutions without sacrificing robustness or accessibility. We’ve built the “Reschedule a citizenship test” service in a way that pushes service delivery …
  • Jul 31, 2018
    Charlotte Pedersen, Capacity building
    Sure, officially we’re a digital service office. But by being as transparent as possible about how we work, we can show the art of the possible and amplify the delivery of better, faster, and easier services that Canadians expect and deserve.
  • Jul 26, 2018
    Charlotte Pedersen and Eman El-Fayomi
    On June 21, the Canadian Digital Service (CDS) hosted its very first Design Jam with 30 participants from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) & Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). With help from design mentors, participants brainstormed …
  • Jul 24, 2018
    Ross Ferguson, Product lead
    Recently a small contingent from CDS was lucky enough to visit Prince Edward Island off Canada’s Maritime coast. We were there at the invitation of Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), who we're working with to improve how Veterans find benefits online.