E-Briefing App

An application to replace internal paper-based briefing binders.

EnerGuide API

A public-facing application programming interface (API) to open up access to EnerGuide Home Energy Ratings data in a transparent and reusable way.

Find financial help during COVID-19

An online tool to help individuals quickly find and understand what financial help is available to them during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Find relevant benefits for Veterans

An online tool to make it easier for Veterans and their family members to determine which benefits, programs, and services are relevant to them.

Government of Canada Exposure Notifications Mobile App

A federal mobile app to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in Canada by notifying Canadians of exposure, while fully protecting their privacy.

Guidance on regulatory consultation

Providing guidance on efforts to engage Canadians on regulations by identifying and validating user and business needs, conducting a market analysis of existing digital products, and presenting recommendations concerning procuring a product vs. building and maintaining a custom product.

Help Canadians access the CPP Disability Benefit

Exploring how to improve service delivery for Canadians with disabilities and their children who apply for Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits.

Help Canadians with low income file taxes

Exploring a service to help Canadians with low income receive the benefits and refunds they’re entitled to by making it easier to file their taxes.

Impact Canada Challenge Platform

A scalable, reusable platform that creates new opportunities for innovators and entrepreneurs to help solve Canada’s biggest challenges.

Make it easier to identify tender opportunities

Exploring a service to create a modern, single point of access to all tenders across governments, including publicly funded academic, social, and health institutions.

Open Call catalogue to help governments respond to COVID-19

Open Call is a curated catalogue of free, open-source tools that governments can use to support people during COVID-19.

Report a cybercrime

Iterating on a service that makes it easier for victims of cybercrime to report an incident and get guidance on what they can do to protect themselves.

Reschedule a citizenship test

A service that allows people to reschedule their citizenship test online, moving away from paper-based processes and providing a simpler, easier and faster user experience for citizenship applicants.

Track web security compliance

An online tool to check which government sites and web services are meeting good security practices, such as requiring privacy-protecting Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) connections.